Thursday, June 16, 2016

I dreamed of a flock of feathers! That dream has died.

I just really, really can't win! A month ago I put up a suction mount acrylic bird feeder on one of our windows. I also installed a post-style bird feeding station in our front yard. We have limited space, because we live in a rental I probably installed it too close to our roof. I filled the feeders with sunflower seeds only. The bag claimed that squirrels wouldn't eat sunflower seeds. IMMEDIATELY, the sunflower seeds were being eaten by the squirrels. They were jumping off my roof onto the post feeder, climbing up the screen on my window to get to the suction mount feeder and scampering up the pole on the post feeder as fast as their little feet would carry them. My cat and my toddler went crazy every time they saw a squirrel or a bird. I really got these feeders because I thought my little girl would LOVE seeing the animals. She absolutely LOVES animals!
So after the seeds were gone (in about 24 hours), I waited a few days to let the animals calm down and forget where the food was. Then I refilled the feeders with renewed hope. Again and again I did this. Hoping against hope that birds would eat the food and my yard would remain peaceful. Time after time, the entire suction mount feeder was knocked off the window...the hanging seed feeder was KNOCKED OFF IT'S SCREW IN HANGER! To the ground! We practically have sunflowers GROWING in the front yard now because there were so many seeds on the ground!

This past week was the LAST STRAW! I opened our front door late one night to retrieve a package before we went to sleep. It was probably after 10 pm. There was a RACCOON up on the post feeder. Teetering on the tiny mesh tray. Stuffing his face. He was full grown and brave. He was not scared of me at all. We don't live in the country. I grew up in the country, so I'm used to varmints wreaking havoc. But I don't expect this in the city. Ridiculous. He also knocked the suction mount feeder off the window and came back three times to look at me even though he knew I was outside. It totally freaked me out and I ripped out the pole feeder the next day! I posted it ALL for sale on my local facebook garage sale page. I just want it gone.

I thought it was over after that. I refilled my hummingbird feeder that has yet to attract any hummingbirds. Yesterday, I sprayed our front stoop and sidewalk for ants. I sprayed every one I could find. My daughter and I play out there a lot in the summertime, so I don't want them congregating there. Today, I noticed that some sugar water had leaked on the front stoop so I checked the hummingbird feeder. It was absolutely COVERED in ants. I am so disgusted! Can't a person have anything neat?! hahaha! Joke's on me, I guess! I took it down and doused it in ant spray. I sprayed it down with water this evening. I should probably get rid of my bird watching book that I purchased last summer, in memory of my Grandfather, who loved birds. It's now useless.

All my bird watching dreams have died, along with the ants.


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